I'm All Right
I have a complicated relationship with a couple of things in my life: My hair, and stuff that many of my fellow believers commonly refer...

Turn Here
“Turn here, Mom!” I barely heard my youngest son over the running list shouting in my head: Get home, eat lunch. Finish up history and...

Pilgrim Hope
We’ve had some dark days of late. You know what I’m talking about—Ferguson, the Middle East, suicide, genocide—take your pick. But God...

Casual Relationships
“…His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire. His feet were like burnished...

Writing Together
I was telling a friend the other day that I tend to be more of a journey than a destination kind of girl. So the best things about...

So Much To Write, So Little Time
Every author I know loves beautiful words. And every author I know has a day job. I may be dooming my author “brand” from the very...