February, the Coldest Month
What's on my mind? Surviving February... Let's see, there's Chinese New Year on the 8th -- take-out and good drinks by the fire with...
Joy, Peace
Last night, I fell asleep reading on the couch. Around one o’clock, one of the small, furry creatures that lives with me jumped on my...
Jesus Nerd
My skateboarding husband and I were watching a movie about his recently adopted sport. At one point, the interviewer asked the...
One Note
There are two versions of the same song on this album I own. The first version is slow and soulful, the other one has a techno beat. I...
Knowing Jesus
“It’s good you’re thinking about these things, Lis,” she said, drowsily. Looking back on it, I know she was longing for a few moments of...
Mercy's Morning Cafe
I’m drinking one of the best cups of coffee I’ve had in weeks, produced by a portable espresso machine with a woman named Mercy at the...
Free Indeed
All weekend, the people with the microphones assured the conference audience that God wanted us to reach our potential. Based on the...
This Is Not My Beautiful House
Melissa Boord Photography It was in the Economist, but don’t stop reading because of that. Chinese ethnic minorities are finding it...
Stuff and Coffee
As Facebook is so fond of telling me, “There are bunches of people that like Lisa Michelle Hess who haven’t heard from her in 12…22…35...
From The Heart
“...and Mary treasured up all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” Most mothers love to tell about the day their children were...